
You can run XorMon NG on a customer (remote) site to collect data and transfer it to the provider (central) site where device data is stored in the database and presented.

This feature is useful especially in these 2 scenarios:
  • You are a service provider and you want to get customer's storage performance data on your site to present it there.
  • Your company has several geographically separated sites and security does not allow you connect all monitored devices from one central point.
Proxy monitoring
You can select if you want to forward all data or just selected devices
Data is pushed from remote site to the central instance on an IP:port where central site UI is running.
This feature is available only for customers under premium support level.

Setting up on the remote site: UI ➡ Settings icon ➡ Device ➡ Proxy ➡ Add Central host ➡ select either "All" devices or some of them
Three important points to consider:
  • Make sure that the provider (central) site metrics server port is allowed on the firewall for both inbound and outbound traffic so that the customer (remote) site can transmit data to the provider. The default metrics server port is 3030.
    If you are on the XorMon NG Virtual appliance, then enable firewall port under root like:
    ufw allow 3030/tcp
    ufw reload
    ufw status verbose
  • The URL entered in the form must follow the format, meaning it should be your provider (central) site initial GUI page URL.
  • The user credentials provided must grant administrative access to the provider (central) site application XorMon NG.
After checking if you have done the points above, click on the Fetch Token button to obtain a token used for provider (central) site access. Finally, save the proxy configuration and allow one to two hours for your data to be visible on your XorMon NG provider (central) site.

Configuration Examples

Example of a completed form to retrieve the provider (central) site token, which can be done by clicking the button Fetch Token
Proxy setup

Example of successfully fetching provider (central) site token. After seeing this message, you can start forwarding data by clicking on the create button
Proxy setup