Adapter monitoring

There is performance monitoring for all physical and some virtual adapters on IBM Power Systems servers which belong to VIO servers only.
Note that physical adapters belonging to AIX / Linux on Power LPARs are not monitored by that.
This is presented on the "Total" level (adapters from all servers) and on local "Server" level.

List of monitored adapters
  • SAN (FC adapters): Data, IOPS
  • LAN (Eht adapters): Data, Packets
  • vLAN (Virtual Eth adapters): Data, Packets
  • SEA (Shared Enternet Adapter): Data, Packets
  • vSCSI (Virtual SCSI adapters): Data, IOPS
  • SAS: Data, IOPS
  • Virtual Ethernet: Data, Packets, Data Physical, Packets physical
  • SR-IOV physical adapters: Data, Packets
  • SR-IOV logical ports: Data, Packets
IBM Power adapters monitoring