There is performance monitoring for all physical and some virtual adapters on IBM Power Systems servers which belong to
VIO servers only.
Note that physical adapters belonging to AIX / Linux on Power LPARs are not monitored by that.
This is presented on the "Total" level (adapters from all servers) and on local "Server" level.
List of monitored adapters
- SAN (FC adapters): Data, IOPS
- LAN (Eht adapters): Data, Packets
- vLAN (Virtual Eth adapters): Data, Packets
- SEA (Shared Enternet Adapter): Data, Packets
- vSCSI (Virtual SCSI adapters): Data, IOPS
- SAS: Data, IOPS
- Virtual Ethernet: Data, Packets, Data Physical, Packets physical
- SR-IOV physical adapters: Data, Packets
- SR-IOV logical ports: Data, Packets