XorMon NG provides several levels of health status information in multiple places.
There are some technologies where it makes no sense to provide such status.
Dashboard Health Status
It can be found in the "Dashboard" menu.
It provides detailed health status dashboard for all technologies that we support.
Table contains:
- Health: devices' health status, HW issues mainly, this is not supported for
- IBM Power Systems
- VMware
- Nutanix
- Proxmox
- Oracle VM
- Kubernetes / OpenShift
- Clouds
- Databases
- Connection: status of the connection to the monitored device (hostname:port)
- Data: data collection status
Global Health Status
It is small bell icon on the top right.
It provides information only about current issues with a short description.
It does not present devices which have everything fine.
Local Health Status
Each technology has its own local health status with additional details