
You can assign aliases to any monitored item where it makes sense, such as VM, volume, pool, SAN port, datastore, cluster ...
You will see a new name everywhere in the UI, Reports, Exports, Alerting afterwards.
You can even create a CSV file with aliases and import it into the tool all in once.

There is UI based form: UI ➡ Settings icon ➡ Device ➡ Alias ➡ Select devices class ➡ HW class ➡Subsystem ➡ Add item ➡ select the item from a list ➡ save
Alias 0

edit the alias name in the main alias table ➡ Save all

Alias 1

Aliasing - CSV import

  1. Create a new alias, select many items, ideally via Regex
  2. save it, items appear with generic names in the aliasing table
  3. click to "Export CSV", edit that file, remove unwanted, modify wanted
  4. import that file, use "Import CSV"