Grafana integration

You can easilly integrate XorMon NG into Grafana.
You can select whatever graph or complete user dashboard and push it into Grafana into your selected structure.
This is available since XorMon NG v1.8.0

Grafana intergration requires a XorMon NG REST API license.
Either use it in the initial 2 months trial period or ask for the trial license via trial form.

Connections -> Add new connection
Search for Infity
Click on Infinity and install it
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Connections -> Data sources -> Add data source
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Find Infinity source type
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Set label as „xormon“ ( For functionality it is important that the datasource is named „xormon“ )
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Set authentication as an API key, which is generated in Xormon under User -> Profile -> API Keys
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Add Xormon url to allowed hosts
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Set Xormon URL as base URL
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Optional - if you do not have a valid certificate on the NG instance, enable skip tls verify
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And save.
Now you need to generate a token. Administration -> USers and access -> Service accounts -> Add service account
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Set editor role
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Generate a new service account token
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Enter this token into the Grafana configuration in Xormon. Go to Settings -> Dashboard -> Grafana and fill out the form
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If you want to have your Xormon dashboard synchronized to Grafana, turn on Dashboard synchronization. You can also specify the folder to which the dashboard will be synchronized.
If you want to import a chart into Grafana Dashboard, click on the star (as if you were adding a chart normally to a dashboard)
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And select the dashboard in Grafana where you want to import the chart
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And select the dashboard in Grafana where you want to import the chart
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