MS SQL Server Monitoring

Microsoft SQL Server monitoring schema

XorMon NG gets data through SQL protocol.
XorMon NG requires a database user (typically "xormon") with the VIEW SERVER STATE permissions to collect monitoring data

Collected Metrics

Subsystem Metric SQL Server instance Database
Health status Health status yes
DATA in MB yes
User Connections yes
Configuration Main yes
Memory Memory yes
Buffers Buffer yes
Readahead yes
Page R/W yes
Pages yes
Sessions Sessions yes
Latches IO yes
Buffer yes
Non Buffer yes
Wait events Events yes
Capacity Size yes
Relations yes
Filegroups yes
IO Total yes
Read/Write yes
Data Total yes
Read/Write yes
Latency Total yes
Read/Write yes
Locks Locks yes
Deadlocks yes
SQL Querty Transactions yes
Cursors yes
Ratio Cache hit yes
Buffer Cache hit yes
Log Cache hit yes

, "database/monitoring/Microsoft-SQL/Microsoft-SQL-server-monitoring"