
You can create alerts based on performance data metrics for all configured devices.
Any metric that is collected by the tool can be selected for alerting.
Configure it via the UI ➡ Settings ➡ Alerting ➡ Configuration
Define email groups under "Email" tab at first.

How to create a new alert

Storage-based alert: select "Storage" ➡ New Alert Group
Alerting cfg 1

Put a name, select a class, subsystem (volume) and volumes here via regex ('.*' means all volumes on all storage devices) ➡ Add
Alerting cfg 2

Select a metric (Latency)
Alerting cfg 3

Put threshold and email targed groups defined in advance ➡ Save
Alerting cfg 4

Then via a "+" sign in the alert line on the right you can add more metrics to be alerted for the same alert group.


  • Performance alerting
  • Filter items by parent device


Email alerts have included graphs by default, you can set your own time range of that graph in the Alerting Options tab

Storage email alert
Alerting example 1

Alerting example 1 attachement

Server email alert
Alerting example 2

Alerting example 2 attachement

It raises an alert when any critical HW or SW error is detected for any devices.
Basically, the alert is sent when any device goes to the "red" status in the global health status dashboard.
Once a device goes back to "green", clear alert is sent.
You can configure via the UI ➡ Settings ➡ Alerting ➡ Options HW Event
Define email groups under "Email" tab at first.

Alerting event
So far available:
  • Email
  • SNMP Trap
  • ServiceNow (since XorMon NG 1.6.0)

Other integrations like bellow (they are supported by our original tools LPAR2RRD/STOR2RRD) will be done on user/customer requests
  • AlarmsOne
  • Riverbed NetIM
  • HPE OpenView
  • Jira
  • Nagios
  • others can be done as needed

Select prefered integration for each alert

Alerting integration select
ServiceNOW integration
The Integration builder allows you to send HW events and alerts from Xormon to any other tool that supports REST API.
With Integration builder you can compose the REST API request:
  • API endpoint URL
  • method: GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELET
  • request headers
  • request body in JSON format
Request body can contain several predefined variables with the alert data:
  • '{METRIC}' - name of the metric being alerted
  • '{LIMIT}' - threshold value for the alert
  • '{LEVEL}' - alert level (info, warning, critical...)
  • '{ITEMS}' - list of items crossing the threshold valaue
  • '{ITEM_IDS}' - list of item IDs crossing the threshold valaue
HW events:
  • '{DEVICE}' - device name
  • '{CLASS}' - device class
  • '{HW_TYPE}' - device HW type
  • '{STATUS}' - reported status
  • '{REASON}' - message for the status, if any
Xormon UI → Settings → Alerting → tab: Integrations
Alerting API - New integration

Alerting API - Request

Request body examples:
  "name": "Custom Alert",
  "data": {
    "items": "{ITEMS}",
    "level": "{LEVEL}",
    "limit": "{LIMIT}",
    "metric": "{METRIC}"

  "name": "Custom HW event",
  "data": {
    "class": "{CLASS}",
    "device": "{DEVICE}",
    "reason": "{REASON}",
    "status": "{STATUS}",
    "hw_type": "{HW_TYPE}"

Add newly created integration to Alert or HW event configuration
Alerting API - Alert

Alerting API - HW event