
SAN network monitoring through Brocade Network Advisor is not implemented yet in XorMon NG.
So far you might use STOR2RRD for its monitoring.

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Table of Contents

SANnav monitoring schema


  • SANnav configured to stream performance data to a Kafka cluster
  • Ability to install additional software packages to XorMon NG host
  • Network connectivity:
    • SANnav ➡ Kafka Registry:8081 TCP
    • SANnav ➡ Kafka Broker:9093 TCP
    • XorMon NG ➡ Kafka Registry:8081 TCP
    • XorMon NG ➡ Kafka Broker:9092 TCP
    • XorMon NG ➡ SANnav:443 TCP

SANnav Northbound Streaming

XorMon NG collects data from SANnav using the Northbound Streaming feature.
Northbound Streaming provides support to securely stream performance and flow metrics from the switch to an external Kafka cluster (the northbound server).

Kafka cluster with schema registry must be configured in the customer's environment.

SANnav must be configured to stream data to the Kafka cluster.

SANnav NorthBound streaming is configured using SANnav REST API.
SANnav REST API documentation is available on
Search for: "sannav rest api"

Before you configure northbound streaming, note the following prerequisites:
  • You must have the Northbound Streaming privilege with read/write permission and the All Fabrics area of responsibility (AOR). Refer to the Brocade SANnav Management Portal User Guide for details.
  • Historic data collection must be enabled on the SANnav server (it is enabled by default).
  • The switch must be discovered with proper SNMPv3 credentials.
  • For a northbound server environment with HTTPS access for the schema registry, the northbound Kafka cluster must be configured with the same public certificate as the northbound server.
  • Only one northbound server is supported.
  • Streaming is only through a secure channel (TLS).
  • IPv6 is not supported. SANnav-to-northbound-server communication uses IPv4.

Install Python3 and modules

Ubuntu / Debian
  • install additional packages (as root)
    apt update && apt install python3 python3-pip python3-dev python3-requests gcc
  • add Confluent repository (as root)
    wget -qO - | apt-key add -
    cat > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/confluent.list << EOF
    deb [arch=amd64] stable main
    deb $(lsb_release -cs) main
  • install 'librdkafka-dev' (as root)
    apt update && apt install librdkafka-dev
  • install Python modules in a virtual environment (as xormon)
    su - xormon
    cd ~/xormon-ng/server-nest/
    python3 -m venv venv-sannav
    venv-sannav/bin/python3 -m ensurepip --upgrade
    venv-sannav/bin/python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
    venv-sannav/bin/python3 -m pip install kafkian==0.13.0 confluent-kafka==2.4.0 requests
    In case you need to use a proxy for installation, modify cmds like:
    venv/bin/python3 -m pip --proxy http://<username>:<password>@<hostname>:<port> install --upgrade pip
    venv/bin/python3 -m pip --proxy http://<username>:<password>@<hostname>:<port> install kafkian==0.13.0 confluent-kafka==2.4.0 requests 
Red Hat, CentOS, Rocky Linux, OracleVM
  • In case you are on the Virtual Appliance and have no access to the Internet repos then use this procedure

  • Install Python3 packages as root
    [root@xorux]# yum install python3 python3-pip python3-devel python3-requests gcc
  • Import Confluent repository as root
    [root@xorux]# rpm --import
    [root@xorux]# cat > /etc/yum.repos.d/confluent.repo << EOF
    cat > /etc/yum.repos.d/confluent.repo << EOF
    name=Confluent repository
    name=Confluent Clients repository
  • Install librdkafka as root
    [root@xorux]# yum clean all && yum install librdkafka-devel
  • install kafkian module as stor2rrd
    (lpar2rrd in case of Virtual Appliance)
    [stor2rrd@xorux]$ pip3 install --user kafkian==0.13.0 confluent-kafka==2.4.0
    When it ends with this error:
    /tmp/pip-build-ka_v989g/confluent-kafka/src/confluent_kafka/src/confluent_kafka.c:1633:17: note: use option -std=c99 or -std=gnu99 to compile your code
        error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1
    Then use this cmd instead of above one:
    [stor2rrd@xorux]$ CFLAGS=-std=c99 pip3 install --user kafkian==0.13.0 confluent-kafka==2.4.0

SANnav configuration in XorMon NG

Note: SANnav can only be monitored from one XorMon NG instance at a time

  • Create SANnav user for XorMon NG

    • Login to SANnav GUI
    • Navigate to User Management
      SANnav ➡ Security ➡ SANnav User Management

    • Create new user with Operator role

  • Add SANnav in the XorMon NG UI ➡ Settings icon ➡ Device ➡ Network ➡ SAN ➡ New ➡ SANnav

    • REST API: SANnav IP address, port and XorMon NG user credentials

    • KAFKA: Kafka NB server IP address and ports - this should be the IP address of your XorMon NG host

    SANnav monitoring

Product uses SNMP v1,2c,3 read-only access (port 161 UDP) to get data from LAN switches.
Generally all network devices having SNMP MIBs compatible with Cisco should work.

  • Enable SNMP communication from XorMon NG server to all LAN switches on port 161, UDP
    Connections are always initiated from XorMon NG server side

  • To monitor VLAN must be enabled on the switch this:
    $ interface vlan { vlan-id | vlan-range}
  • Add switches into configuration:
    Settings icon ➡ Devices ➡ Network ➡ LAN ➡ New ➡ Vendor:device ...
    Cisco LAN monitoring

  • Troubleshooting:
    This must work from cmd line, it must provide name of the switch (place your IP and community string)
    snmpwalk -v 2c -c public
SAN monitoring - schema

SAN switch access summary

Vendor Storage type User role Interface Used ports
Brocade SAN switch read-only SNMP v1,2,3 161 UDP
QLogic SAN switch read-only SNMP v1,2,3 161 UDP
Cisco MDS and Nexus read-only SNMP v1,2 161 UDP
Connections are always initiated from XorMon NG server side

Installation procedure is same for Cisco, Brocade and QLogic switches.
Only in case of usage Brocade/QLogic Virtual Fabric you have to do special access configuration.
Cisco VSAN support works automatically.

Brocade note: SNMP v2 is not supported in FOS v9.0.1a but is not blocked. SNMP v2 is blocked beginning with FOS v9.1.0.

Configure access to switches

  • Allow SNMP communication from XorMon NG host to all SAN switches on port 161, UDP

  • Brocade SNMPv3 setup

Test SNMP communication from cmd line

Follow that in case connection test does not work only.
    replace switch_IP for your one in below examples
    # export PATH=$PATH:/opt/freeware/bin
    # snmpwalk -v 2c -c public  <Switch_IP>
      SNMPv2-MIB::sysName.0 = STRING: SAN_switch_name
    This must work exactly as above!
    When the command fails, times out or return whatever like this:
      Timeout: No Response from <Switch_IP>
    Then follow this:
    • Make sure there is SNMP allowed on the SAN switch with public read only role (Community 4)
      • Brocade/QLogic:
        # ssh <Switch_IP> -l admin
        SAN:admin> snmpconfig --show snmpv1 
          Community 4: public (ro)
        Change community string to whatever you need via "snmpConfig --set snmpv1"

      • Cisco:
        # ssh <Switch_IP> -l admin
        switch# show snmp community
          Community Access
          --------- ------
          private rw
          public ro
        When there is other community string than public then use it in test snmpwalk cmds above
        and use that community string in switch cfg.

    • Make sure that Access Host list contains XorMon NG host:
      SAN:admin> snmpconfig --show accessControl
      SAN switch cfg

    • Make sure you have enabled all listed MIBs below:
      SAN:admin> snmpconfig --show mibCapability
        FE-MIB: YES
        SW-MIB: YES
        FA-MIB: YES
        FICON-MIB: YES
        HA-MIB: YES
        FCIP-MIB: YES
        ISCSI-MIB: YES
        IF-MIB: YES
        BD-MIB: YES
      Enable all missing MIBs each by each::
      SAN:admin> snmpconfig --enable mibCapability -mib_name FICON-MIB
    • set SNMP GET security level to 0
      SAN:admin> snmpconfig --show seclevel
      SAN:admin> snmpconfig --set seclevel
        Select SNMP GET Security Level
        (0 = No security, 1 = Authentication only, 2 = Authentication and Privacy, 3 = No Access): (0..3) [3] 0
    • Do you have some other switch which works fine, is there any configuration difference?

Brocade/QLogic Virtual Fabric support

  • you have to use SNMP v3 with proper security user

  • Configure security user on the switch (under admin account):
    userconfig --add xormon -r user -l 1,128
    userconfig --change xormon -r user -l 1,128 -h 128 -e no
    userconfig --show xormon
    Parameter -l 1,128 defines virtual fabrics visible for this user.
    Parameter -h 128 defines home virtual fabrics.
    Parameter -e no disables user expiration
    Example above allows virtual fabrics 1 and 128 for user snmpuser1.

    Test access from XorMon NG host, you should see ports configured for your specific VF (Virtual Fabric).
    snmpwalk -v 3 -u xormon -n VF:<your_virtual_fabric_ID> <Switch_IP>
      SNMPv2-MIB::sysName.0 = STRING: SAN_switch_name
    If you get one of below errors then user is not configured properly:
    Error in packet.
    Reason: noAccess
    snmpwalk: Unknown user name
  • Optional: you can even set authorization protocols like in this example for user xormon (by renaming snmpuser1):
    Changes are indicated by '<==='
    snmpconfig --set snmpv3
      SNMP Informs Enabled (true, t, false, f): [false]
      SNMPV3 Password Encryption Enabled (true, t, false, f): [true]         <===
      SNMPv3 user configuration(snmp user not configured in FOS user database will have default VF context and admin role as the default):
      User (rw): [snmpadmin1]
      Auth Protocol [MD5(1)/SHA(2)/noAuth(3)]: (1..3) [3]
      Priv Protocol [DES(1)/noPriv(2)/AES128(3)/AES256(4)]): (2..2) [2]
      User (rw): [snmpadmin2]
      Auth Protocol [MD5(1)/SHA(2)/noAuth(3)]: (1..3) [3]
      Priv Protocol [DES(1)/noPriv(2)/AES128(3)/AES256(4)]): (2..2) [2]
      User (rw): [snmpadmin3]
      Auth Protocol [MD5(1)/SHA(2)/noAuth(3)]: (1..3) [3]
      Priv Protocol [DES(1)/noPriv(2)/AES128(3)/AES256(4)]): (2..2) [2]
      User (ro): [snmpuser1] xormon                                          <===
      Auth Protocol [MD5(1)/SHA(2)/noAuth(3)]: (1..3) [3] 2                  <===
      New Auth Passwd:                                                       <===
      Verify Auth Passwd:                                                    <===
      Priv Protocol [DES(1)/noPriv(2)/AES128(3)/AES256(4)]): (1..4) [2] 3    <===
      New Priv Passwd:                                                       <===
      Verify Priv Passwd:                                                    <===
      User (ro): [snmpuser2]
      Auth Protocol [MD5(1)/SHA(2)/noAuth(3)]: (1..3) [3]
      Priv Protocol [DES(1)/noPriv(2)/AES128(3)/AES256(4)]): (2..2) [2]
      User (ro): [admin]
      Auth Protocol [MD5(1)/SHA(2)/noAuth(3)]: (1..3) [3]
      Priv Protocol [DES(1)/noPriv(2)/AES128(3)/AES256(4)]): (2..2) [2]
    Configuration check:
    snmpconfig --show snmpv3
    Connection test from XorMon NG host:
    snmpwalk -v 3 -u xormon -l authPriv -A <Auth_Passwd> -X <Priv_Passwd> -a SHA -x AES <Switch_IP>
      SNMPv2-MIB::sysName.0 = STRING: SAN_switch_name
    snmpwalk -v 3 -u xormon -n VF:1 -l authPriv -A <Auth_Passwd> -X <Priv_Passwd> -a SHA -x AES <Switch_IP>
      SNMPv2-MIB::sysName.0 = STRING: SAN_switch_name
    snmpwalk -v 3 -u xormon -n VF:128 -l authPriv -A <Auth_Passwd> -X <Priv_Passwd> -a SHA -x AES <Switch_IP>
      SNMPv2-MIB::sysName.0 = STRING: SAN_switch_name

Switch configuration

  • Add switches into configuration from the UI:
    XorMon NG UI ➡ Device ➡ Network ➡ SAN switches ➡ New ➡ Vendor:device ...
    SAN switch monitoring - Brocade - Cisco

  • Run "Test" for configured switch, it must show "OK"

  • Wait about 1 hour, then refresh the web browser cache by Ctrl-F5


  • If you use SNMP v3 and have several virtual fabrics then monitoring might cause unwanted CPU peaks every 5 minutes on monitored switches
    To decrease such CPU peaks into acceptable level configure SAN microservices like that
    • Increase data fetch from default 5 minutes into 10 or 15 minutes

    • Increase default timeout between SNMP queries from default 1 sec to 5 secs

    Open XorMon NG UI: Settings ➡ Application ➡ select SAN Brocade / Cisco ➡ Advanced icon
    SAN switch monitoring : CPU peaks

  • SAN troubleshooting