FreeNAS, TrueNAS monitoring
XorMon NG uses FreeNAS / TrueNAS REST API interface natively provided by the storage to get all necessary data.
Supported are FreeNAS / TrueNAS firmwares 11.2+.
Storage connectivity
Enable access from the XorMon NG host to the FreeNAS storage on port 443 (80 in case http)
- Storage user: root account must be used, unfortunately only root can connect FreeNAS REST API.
XorMon NG storage configuration
- Add storage into configuration from the UI:
Settings icon ➡ Device ➡ Storage ➡ New ➡ Vendor:device ➡ iXsystem
- Run "Test" for configured storage device, it must show "OK"
Wait about 1 hour, then reload the web browser, you should see it in XorMon NG UI