IBM Storage Protect (formerly IBM Spectrum Protect, Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM)) monitoring will be supported since XorMon NG
Anyone willing to test it? Contact us at
Data is collected from the IBM Storage Protect (formerly IBM Spectrum Protect, Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM)) database on the TSM server via Operator role.
There must be enabled ssh access to the TSM server.
TSM prerequisites
- Install TSM client and configure it
Open network from the XorMon NG server to the TSM server port 22 TCP (ssh)
Stanza/servername can be configured in dsm.sys
Example dsm.sys:
SErvername TSM-server01
COMMmethod TCPip
TCPPort 1500
- Create user xormon with "operator" role
login as administrator into dsmadmc
dsmadmc -se=TSM-server01 -id=admin -pass=<password>
TSM-server01 > REGister Admin <admin_name> <password> PASSExp=9999 CONtact=“XorMon user“
TSM-server01 > Grant AUTHority <admin_name> CLasses=Operator
XorMon NG storage configuration
- Add storage into configuration from the UI:
Settings icon ➡ Device ➡ Backup ➡ New ➡ Vendor:device ➡ IBM ➡ Spectrum Protect (TSM)
- Run "Test" for configured storage device, it must show "OK"
Wait about 1 hour, then reload the web browser, you should see it in XorMon NG UI