XorMon NG Upgrade

Use one of these methods
XorMon NG appliance is based on standard Debian Linux 12.
We do not provide operating system level patches or fixes.
Patch it as you like, XorMon NG application should not be affected anyhow by that.
Download the latest xormon-ng-<ver>.tar.gz to your workstation

  • Go to Settings icon on the top-right
  • Select 'Upgrade'
  • Click 'Select File' and provie path to xormon-ng-<ver>.tar.gz
  • Click 'Upload & Apply' and wait for 'Upgrade Successful' message
XoprMon NG upgrade

  • Wait for the browser to refresh. It can take up to 5 minutes.

  • If the application does not come up even after 10 minutes, try to start it up manually and check for errors, at first check if it is running:
    cd /home/xormon/xormon-ng/
    ./xormon.sh status
    ./xormon.sh start
  • Download XorMon NG package file "xormon-ng-<ver>.tar.gz" to /tmp

  • Log in as user xormon

  • Upgrade
    cd /home/xormon/xormon-ng/
    ./xormon.sh stop
    ./xormon.sh upgrade /tmp/xormon-ng-<ver>.tar.gz
    Application should come up in a few minutes, check the UI

  • If the application does not come up even after 10 minutes, try to start it up and check for errors, at first check if it is running:
    cd /home/xormon/xormon-ng/
    ./xormon.sh status
    ./xormon.sh start

Do not use 'Application Upgrade' form in UI!

Docker-compose method

docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d

Docker run method from the local image

  • Download XorMon NG Docker package "xormon-ng-docker-<ver>.tar.gz"

  • Load, stop, remove and re-run XorMon NG container

  • Upgrade to the latest version:
    docker load < xormon-ng-docker-<version>.tar.gz
    docker rm -f {UUID|name}
    docker run --init -d --name xormon --ulimit core=0 -p 8443:8443 \
    -v /var/xormon-ng/files:/usr/src/app/server-nest/files \
    --link timescaledb:timescaledb --env-file ./xormon-ng.env xorux/xormon-ng:latest
  • If you wish to use other version or install the image manually, use docker load
    docker load < xormon-ng-docker-<version>.tar.gz
    docker rm -f {UUID|name}
    docker run --init -d --name xormon --ulimit core=0 -p 8443:8443 \
    -v /var/xormon-ng/files:/usr/src/app/server-nest/files \
    --link timescaledb:timescaledb --env-file ./xormon-ng.env <image>
    <image> ... version of your loaded image