IBM Power Systems

Data is obtained from the read-only REST API of the CMC console.
This does not require HMC data.

IBM Power Enterprise Pools 2.0 CMC schema


  • Open port https (443) from LPAR2RRD server to the CMC console, TCP (or use a proxy)

  • CMC Tagging: servers
    Tags: all servers in PEP 2.0 must be tagged
    Metrics of untagged servers are not approachable.
    Connection of untagged server and pool is not approachable by CMC Public API.

    Documentation: Manage tags
    CMC UI ➡ Inventory
    IBM Power Enterprise Pools 2.0 CMC - Inventory

    Full Inventory ➡ Managed Systems and HMCs ➡ Select the entries and click "Add a Tag"
    To show information about attached tags use the icon on the right:
    IBM Power Enterprise Pools 2.0 CMC - managing tags

  • Add new CMC into XorMon NG
    UI ➡ Settings icon ➡ Device ➡ Server Virtualization ➡ IBM Power Systems ➡ CMC tab ➡ New
    IBM Power Enterprise Pools 2.0 CMC configuration

    Base URL, Client ID, and Client Secret can be found in the IBM CMC Settings ➡ Public API
    IBM Power Enterprise Pools 2.0 CMC public API

    IBM CMC API docu

  • Wait an hour after the CMC configuration, then reload the browser, you should see new CMC in the menu tree
XorMon NG uses HMC REST API access via read-only user
It is supported on HMC v8+, use LPAR2RRD via CLI access for older HMCs

  • Allow access from the XorMon NG host to all HMCs on port 443 TCP (older HMC might require port 12443 TCP)

  • Create xormon user on each HMC, read-only role, with password, set no password expiration
    Use HMC local user account, not the domain one.

  • Allow remote access via the web:
    HMC v10: Menu ➡ User management ➡ User profiles ➡ xormon ➡ modify ➡ Properties ➡ Allow remote access via the web
    HMC older:Menu ➡ Manage User Profiles and Access ➡ select xormon ➡ modify ➡ User properties ➡ Allow remote access via the web
    IBM Power Systems monitoring: REST API remote access

  • Enable HMC LongTermMonitor. It is part of Performance Monitoring in HMC Workplace.
    This performance monitoring can store up to 366 days of data. XorMon NG uses performance data only 30 minutes old so you can set the minimum number of days to store performance data (1 day).
    • HMC v10: Menu ➡ Performance dashboard ➡ System dashboard ➡ Turn data collection on

    • HMC v9:
      HMC Management ➡ Console Settings ➡ Change Performance Monitoring Settings ➡ All on
      Note: in case of HMC v10 you need to go into the "user settings", and switch to the old UI: Switch to old dashboard. After switching to the old UI, you’re able to navigate to the corresponding settings.
      IBM Power Systems monitoring: REST API cfg

    • Setup on older HMC:
      HMC Management ➡ Operations ➡ Change Performance Monitoring Settings ➡ All On
      IBM Power Systems monitoring: REST API cfg

    • Configure HMC access in the XorMon NG UI: Devices ➡ Server Virtualization ➡ IBM Power Systems ➡ Add
      IBM Power Systems monitoring

    • Run "Test" for the HMC, it must show "OK"

    • Wait about 30 minutes, then refresh the web browser cache by Ctrl-F5

    • Troubleshooting