The product uses REST API natively provided by the IBM Z Mainframe HMC to get all necessary data.
Supported are IBM Z Mainframe z12 and newer.
HMC connectivity
Allow access from the XorMon NG host to the IBM Z Mainframe HMC on port 6794 (https)
Create user 'xormon' on the HMC with selected roles
Create new user
Select user role
Required roles
- Enable Web Services API on the HMC if it is not done yet
XorMon NG configuration
Add the HMC into configuration from the UI:
XorMon NG UI ➡ Settings icon ➡ Device ➡ Server virtualization ➡ IBM Z Mainframe
- Run "Test" for configured device, it must show "OK"
Wait about 1 hour, then reload the web browser, you should see it in XorMon NG UI