QNAP monitoring

The product obtains all data from QNAP Q'center via ssh.
Do not connect it directly to QNAP storage devices, that does not work.

Storage connectivity

  • Allow access from the XorMon NG host to QNAP Q'center on ports 22 (SSH).

  • Connect to the QNAP Q'center as admin and allow ssh access
    QNAP Storage management

  • Create OS level user on the QNAP Q'center appliance, preferably xormon with no any special rights
    Log as admin to the QNAP Q'center appliance:
    admin@qcenter:/home/admin$ sudo useradd -c "XorMon NG user" -m xormon
      [sudo] password for admin: 
    admin@qcenter:/home/admin$ sudo passwd xormon
      Enter new UNIX password: 
      Retype new UNIX password: 
      passwd: password updated successfully

XorMon NG storage configuration

  • Add storage into configuration from the UI:
    Settings icon ➡ Storage ➡ New ➡ Vendor:device ➡ QNAP
    QNAP storage monitoring

    Use 'Server name' from QCENTER as a 'QNAP name' like qnap101 in this example:
    QNAP monitoring name

  • Run "Test" for configured storage device, it must show "OK"

  • Wait about 1 hour, then reload the web browser, you should see it in XorMon NG UI


  • XorMon NG stops collecting data from QNAP
    Sometimes QNAP Q'center Agent hangs and stops sending data to QNAP Q'center.
    Restart QNAP Q'center agent: Login to QNAP GUI ➡ Open App Center ➡ Stop QNAP Q'center Agent ➡ Start QNAP Q'center Agent