
OracleVM monitoring schema

XorMon NG gets data from Oracle VM Manager.
Supported is OVM 3.3 and 3.4.

  • Allow access from the XorMon NG host to all Oracle VM Manager hosts ports 7002 (HTTPS)

  • Users access
    You have to use the admin user, because Oracle VM does not support role based access
    You can create a different user if you wish (eg. 'xormon'), but it must have admin rights anyway.

  • Attach Oracle VM Manager hosts
    XorMon NG UI ➡ Settings icon ➡ Device ➡ Server Virtualization ➡ Oracle VM ➡ New
    Oracle VM Manager configuration

  • Run "Test" for configured Oracle VM host, it must show "OK"

  • Wait about 1 hour, then refresh the web browser cache by Ctrl-F5