Linux static IP

To navigate, use the arrow keys or press Tab to step forwards.
Press Enter to select an option.
The Space bar toggles the status of a check box.
To apply changes after a modified connection (active) requires a reactivation of the connection.

  1. Deploy to VMware or Hyper-V, launch to Web Console and login. Use root user and password: xorux4you
    Appliance IP setup

  2. After running the command nmtui, ENTER Edit a connection button.
    Appliance IP setup

  3. Edit a Wired connection.
    Appliance IP setup

  4. Set in IPv4 CONFIGURATION Manual. Then Show options.
    Appliance IP setup

  5. Set YOUR STATIC IP address and netmask (in this case
    (Optional: IPv6 set Disable/Ignore)
    Appliance IP setup

  6. Back to main menu NetworkManager TUI
    Appliance IP setup

  7. Set system hostname.
    Appliance IP setup
    Appliance IP setup

  8. Deactivate/Activate
    To apply changes, after set IP address is activate new connection.
    Please DEACTIVATE/ACTIVATE (press ENTER twice).
    Appliance IP setup
    Appliance IP setup
    Appliance IP setup